Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Glyph Leadership Activity

At the beginning of my OT school journey, my class and I did an activity where we drew a picture of a face and each component of the face was drawn after given a choice based on your opinion of what characteristics a leader should obtain.  For example, if you thought being a leader was something you are born with, you were supposed to draw a triangle-shaped head, and if you thought is was a product of nurture over nature, you were supposed to draw a square-shaped head. At the end of last week, we did this activity again to see how much our perspective of a leader had changed and we compared our results. Overall, my two drawings were similar. However, I noticed the things that did change were signs of growth in my abilities as a leader. Some of the main differences I noticed, after comparing the two drawings, were that at the beginning, I drew pointed eyebrows indicating that I was a more behind the scenes leader, this time I drew rounded eyebrows indicating that I was a more out front leader. The ears on my person are now pointed rather than round and this indicates that I now believe technology doesn't have to play a huge role in being a leader. And lastly, I drew a piece of jewelry meaning I see myself as a leader and I drew glasses meaning I feel I have had more experience in being a leader than most other people my age. All in all, this activity has allowed me to reflect back on my OT school journey and how much personal growth I have experienced since the beginning. The activities, the clubs, the interactions, the friendships have all been so beneficial to me as a person and as a future clinician. Being a leader is such an important part of being an occupational therapist, in fact, one of the criteria for us as students
to carry with us out into the field of practice is being a leader change agent and I feel I have made significant process to achieve this requirement. I am very thankful for this fun, quirky exercise.

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