Sunday, March 18, 2018

Assistive Technology

Recently in one of my OT classes, I have been learning about assistive technology. For those that do not know, assistive technology is an item or piece of equipment that assists individuals with disabilities so they can better function with everyday activities. If you are like me, when you see the word technology, you automatically think of something computerized. However, assistive technology does not only consist of these types of things. Assistive technology can consist of anything from a laptop computer or iPad to a pencil grip for individuals with less hand strength. In my opinion, that is what makes assistive technology so interesting. It is not something that has to be complex, although it can be, it can be simple and easy for anyone to use and still be extremely beneficial.
One of our assignments for this particular topic was to watch a TED talk titled "Why we need Universal Design," about a guy who is deaf and created his own piece of assistive technology. He informed his audience via sign language and an interpreter, that his mother, who was also deaf, loved going to the movies. However, movie theaters are not very accessible for individuals who are deaf. They usually had a pair of very non-attractive glasses that could be worn with subtitles, but they weren't very desirable. Therefore, this guy set out to make this even better. He used google glass so that individuals could download an app and go into any movie theater and have the movie script with them so they too, could enjoy the movie. The remarkable thing about this, to me, was that this guy was not only thinking about people who are deaf, he was thinking about everyone while inventing this product. He talked about how it would be accessible for someone that wanted to see a movie in a different country, but needed it to be in their own language. That was something I didn't think about while he was explaining his product. This is an example of how assistive technology can help anyone, even people who do not think they need it. I have really enjoyed learning about assistive technology and I can't wait to learn more!

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking the same thing when I read about assistive technology! It's just so easy to jump to the conclusion that assistive "technology" has to be something such as a phone, computer, tablet, or iPad. But I think it's so cool that it can be a variety of things that ultimately allow an individual to be more independent, despite having a disability. It was also so so interesting to watch that TED talk and learn more about the concept of universal design from an individual who lives with a disability and can personally tell how it has impacted his life and daily abilities.


Mock Interview

I truly enjoyed the mock interview experience and thought it went very well overall. When I was preparing for this interview, I told myself ...